8:30 Traditional ServiceWorship with hymns, organ and handbells, and liturgy in our original sanctuary.
We share this service using Facebook Live. Videos are saved for 30 days. Click on the Facebook page link to join us virtually for worship.
9:45 Sunday SchoolAfter grabbing a treat in the Fellowship Hall, learn with others in adult, teen, or children's classes.
Mini Youth Kids Class, grades preK-2
Jr. Youth Kids Class, grades 3-6 Teen Youth Class, grades 7-12 Young Adult Coffee Check-in Adult- Gold Band Adult-Chaotic Christians |
Worship with our praise band around tables in our Fellowship Hall.
Find us next to the Lagrange Library
Kids and Worship
We believe that children and youth learn by seeing adults doing and by doing themselves. That is why we intentionally include children in all of our worship from beginning to end. In Traditional Service, kids bring the Light of Christ into the sanctuary. Middle schoolers work with their parents running our Sound and Tech Ministry. Elementary and preschoolers bring their activity bags up to the altar to introduce the sermon. Kids of all ages share special music with us. Likewise, in THE together service, teens and children are part of the praise band, sound and tech teams, and special music.